Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer lobortis libero risus, sed suscipit eros interdum vel. Donec aliquam elit turpis. Nullam porttitor ullamcorper placerat. Cras sapien augue, scelerisque a lectus ac, suscipit facilisis felis. Etiam eget efficitur massa. Nunc leo tortor, pharetra non ligula quis, varius rutrum mi. Mauris tincidunt aliquam imperdiet. Sed quis enim eros. In ac interdum elit. Sed porttitor posuere elit, quis commodo purus. Vestibulum pulvinar ante ut eros placerat, vel posuere massa semper. Ut lectus tellus, sodales a tristique ac, posuere eget risus.
The https://YATEENFOUNDATION.COM website is owned by YMC Organ donation and Transplant
Foundation and is registered in India.
When you request information through this site, we may need to know some personal information about you. When emailing us, or subscribing for free news or information we need your e-mail address, name and other limited personal identifiers, typically name, address and contact number. If you chose to purchase information, donate, be a member or avail our services, we will usually require some additional financial details.. If we require sensitive personal data then we will ensure that the collection and use is in strict accordance with the principles of data protection and data privacy of the applicable legislation set out below.
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To enquire about accessing your personal data, or if you have any questions relating to YMC’s data privacy policy
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We will provide you with a readable copy of the personal data that we keep about you, within 40 days, although we
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At present we do not give visitors to our website the option of using a secure transmission method to send us their
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The YMC websites may provide links to third-party websites for your convenience and information. If you access those links, you will leave the YMC website. YMC does not control those sites or their privacy practices, which may differ from YMC’s. We do not endorse or make any representations about third-party websites. The YMC Privacy Statement does not cover the personal data you choose to give to unrelated third parties. We encourage you to review the privacy policy of any company before submitting your personal information. Some third-party companies may choose to share their personal data with YMC; that sharing is governed by that third-party company’s privacy policy.